Welcome dear reader! Are you prepared for the feature presentation that is Zani? Be warned, your time with her may be filled with laughter, tears, romance, intrigue, mystery, action, and other adjectives that describe something wondrous. While I'm certainly biased, the main character is quite something!

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's plenty of time for you and me to get to know each other. For the time being, just take the performance... at face value. Maybe it's best you only look surface deep and not venture into places you might regret. As they say "you can't unring a bell!"

Now, now, now, I understand your disappointment in not being able to see all the acts right away. Where would the FUN be if I simply let you delve deep into my story without playing a little game first? You'll have to get to know me a bit better before you have enough tickets. Don't you worry though, it shouldn't take too much time and it’ll be worth it!

Ta ta for now!

Name: Y’zani Varia
Age: 24
Race: (See Act I)
Professions: Blue Mage, Performer, Trickster, Magician
Birthplace: (See Act I)
Deity: (See Act I)
Alignment: (See Act II)
Relationship Status: Single (Pansexual)
Next Performance: The Velvet Mirage (10/22/2021: Mateus: The Goblet, Ward 15, Plot 13)

♢ Acquaintance || ? Unsure ||☺ Friend || ☻Best Friend || ❣ Attraction || ♡ Full Crush || ♥ Love || ⚯ Partner || ♠ Enemy || ☠ Rival

*Note: "Tickets" are a measure of how Zani feels about a character. They are earned behind the scenes through character interaction (think Dragon Age). Levels can evolve, or even degrade (for example, attraction can evolve to full crush, etc.). Disposition increases or decreases as characters interact. Typically Zani will need to interact with someone a minimum of 3 times before they're members of the "cast."

# of TicketsDisposition
90 to 100Adoration
70 to 89Reverance
50 to 69Appreciation
25 to 49Like
15 to 24Friendly
6 to 14Warm
-5 to 5Indifferent
-15 to -6Contempt
-29 to -15Dislike
-49 to -30Disdain
-69 to -50Hate
-89 to -70Abhor
-100 to -90Loathe
"Cast member"TicketsDispositionStatusZani's Take
A------- ------50Appreciation☺❣"She seems to have my back, so I'll hers! She laughs at my jokes too. That's a plus. Mhmmm."
A----- --------10Warm☺❣"Former roomie. Not sure what happened to her."
J--- --------14Warm☺❣"My 'sister' from another mister. She's a jester like me, we're becoming good pals!
R-- ------25Like♢❣"Friendly bard. We've been getting, closer, and it's been terrifyingly fun!"

“Y’zani? If you ask me, it’s all an act. Literally and figuratively. Something is up with that Miqo’te, just not sure what. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was sinister I tell you!” -Random Ul’dah Streetrat

"Her 'stand up comedy' routine is... eh... something?" -Everyone

“I heard that Zani is cursed and ALWAYS has to tell the truth, no matter what. Could you imagine?” -Woodwailer

“Zani is creepy. Period. So is that animated doll that follows her. The one she calls her 'agent.'” -Ishgardian Noble

“She’s a performer alright. They all wear masks. Every single one of them. Zani is no different.” -Ul’dah citizen

Oops! So terribly sorry, but to see this part of the performance you'll need...

Oops! So terribly sorry, but to see this part of the performance you'll need...

O-oh my! So you're a pervert then? Yikes! Well to ride this ride you're going to need...

...see what I did with the wording there? Classic.

  • If you enjoyed the carrd, the character or just want to say hi, please send me a tell or Discord message. I like those! I’m very approachable OOC.

  • (Balmung). I work from home so a lot of availability in and outside my EST timezone (don't be bashful EU folks!)

  • Player and character are BOTH over the age of 21

  • Player is open to mature/adult themes including those of a sexual and violent nature

  • Player will not roleplay ANY mature theme with any player (or character) under the age of 18 years old. This INCLUDES characters that appear under the age of 18, even if they are of age. I will NEVER consent to this.

  • I am NOT looking for anything OOC besides friendship. Please, please, PLEASE do not ask, suggest, or hint at anything other than friendship from an OOC perspective. IC is fair game of course. Thank you!

  • My Discord is memequeen#8405

  • If you're over the age of 18, check out Zani's twitter here! Warning: There is some NSFW content.